have you met Elle?

Healer. Goddess. Creator.

Witch. Woman. Guide

But maybe most importantly for you,
Believer in You and Your Magic.
I am here, to help you step into all that power and more.
Are you ready for it?

I am so glad that you have found your way here.

I feel like maybe, just maybe it was meant to be. You see, here is the thing. Everything you will read here, it’s from my soul. My journey to get to this point has been full of healing, growth and transformation. Of course it has, I’m human right? (at least in this lifetime I am)

The Cosmic CEO is my love letter to this world. The culmination of my souls work to support and guide incredible people just like you to find their next expansion in this adventure we are on.

Wanna know a bit more before you take the leap? Read on babes, I’m an open book.

Fun facts about Elle

  • I won my first gold medal in competitive swimming when I was 14 years old. And I swim for Australia at the 2000 Sydney Paralympics and broke a national record. You should ask me about that one time I accidentally flashed the more prominent people in the sporting industry…

  • He is the most divine soul and I feel truly blessed that we found each other in this life. And duh, of course he is named after the one and only Harry Potter.

  • Brussels sprouts! I always have them in the fridge and can make them taste delicious in about 50 different ways. Trust me, they are good. Really good.

  • I love to look at your energy, feel it and help you connect to it. Oh yeah and unicorns appeared to me as a child to help me understand messages from source at a young age!

Listen to your intuition

Trust your heart

Move towards your dreams

Listen to your intuition Trust your heart Move towards your dreams

So what do you wanna know about me? Maybe that I am a Libra sun, Leo moon and Scorpio rising (yeah its a vibe). That I am psychic. Connected to the Pleiadians and can channel messages from the angels? All important things.

But here are a few more things I want you to know…

I have spent so much of my life worrying about what others thought of me, and how to fit in because I live in a body that not many people understand. Plus, I have a mind that many are scared to experience. All of that has meant that I have a beautifully sharpened edge when it comes to self-compassion and granting permission to take the road less travelled. 

I will lovingly push you, and sometimes I might even piss you off but know that it’s all for your spiritual growth and I’m ok with being the scapegoat for your evolution (we know it doesn’t have anything to do with it anyways…)

I’m the kinda babe that watches Hogwarts Ambient videos on YouTube while I work. The one who New Moon catch-ups with friends and we drench our letters to be burnt in oils so they smell nice as well as burn. I’ll listen to heavy metal to regulate my nervous system and I will never read or coach you without your permission. After all, I believe deeply that you are the leader of your life.

I can be your guide and teacher, and help show you where to find the next expansion of your soul. I will so lovingly share the magic of the spiritual realm, but I promise I will never tell you how to be. I know with a deep soul conviction that there is no one way that you have to act, dress, think or any of that to be connected to your Spirit Guides or Source. This adventure can be fun and silly, and in all honesty, the more in touch you are with your inner child and light-hearted fun the easier the expansion will be.  

Elle’s signature programs 

Move through time and space to change your life. Work with light energy codes gifted from the Pleiades to activate inner healing and connect to your own true north star.

Take your intuitive abilities to new heights and create a heightened awareness of your vitality, power and uniqueness. Step into Star School to explore your personal cosmos.

A magical experience of connection to our feminine deities for the psychic babe who wants to enhance their connection, travel deeper and listen to the wisdom of the heroines that have come before us.

Call in the energy of the universe and become one of a kind on earth. In this 1:1 experience you’ll traverse the universe to become the most magical, magnetic and transformed version of yourself.

Listen to your intuition

Trust your heart

Move towards your dreams

Listen to your intuition Trust your heart Move towards your dreams

I had my first significant encounter with an Archangel when I was 7. I remember it so vividly, he held my hands so tightly, I will never forget how big he was, or how warm he felt.

I saw unicorns, and the fae. I connected to magic all around me. But I kept it quiet. Hidden from the world around me. I focused on what I could tangibly see. I went on to become a Paralympian, representing Australia in my chosen sport, Swimming.

But it wasn’t I sustained a career ending injury and western medicine failed my body that I truly opened myself up to the possibility of the universe having all the answers I was seeking. It was then, that I saw a healer for the very first time and they said seven words that would truly change my life. “do you know that you are psychic?”

I knew I was. but I was scared. Scared of the possibility. Scared of letting my truth shine.

That was 20 years ago. Now I have my own healing modality, have helped hundreds of humans tap into their intuitive and psychic powers and find their truth.

The Cosmic CEO is an ode to the cosmic powers within all of us, that can be enjoyed, explored and experienced through curiosity, evolution and openness.

I know I am here to guide you to your next level. Whether you are starting with a clean slate or have a list of accomplishments that feels hard to top. I will help you see what your soul has been shouting at you for so long. I can unlock the door and show you whats on the other side.

Will you take the step and come and see?


I’m so ready to do this with you