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Connected to the universe guided by elle, POTENT for you


Astral Connections

Embark on a transformative two-hour journey to discover and connect with your unique spirit guide—those celestial allies assigned to aid you in this lifetime. Let me guide you through the unseen realms in a channeled experience that promises not only insight but a profound spiritual connection.

What's Included?

  • Deep Connection: Begin with a dedicated two-hour session where Elle will channel and introduce you to your personal spirit guide. This intimate meeting is designed to open the pathways of communication and understanding between you and your celestial mentor.

  • Ongoing Support: Following your session, you'll receive seven days of Voxer support. This means direct access to Elle for guidance, questions, and further insights as you strengthen and deepen your connection with your spirit guide.

This package is perfect for those ready to tap into their higher purpose and receive guidance that’s uniquely suited to their path and challenges. Elle’s expertise and intuitive approach make her the perfect mediator between you and the astral realms.

Astral Connection isn’t just a session; it’s the beginning of a lifelong relationship with your personal spiritual ally.

Signature 1:1 Offerings


I have been working with psychic card readings using oracle or tarot cards for the last 15 years. This is where you can seek guidance and insights for your questions about life's path, personal growth, and decision-making.

It's important to know that I don't interpret the energy of others (that aren’t in the room), answer pregnancy-related questions, or provide timelines for engagements and marriages. These boundaries ensure a respectful and focused reading experience.

Come with an open heart and mind, ready to explore your inquiries except for the mentioned restrictions. Whether it's about career, relationships, or spiritual journey, the cards offer symbolic guidance to illuminate your choices and future possibilities. The reading is a collaborative journey, with the cards reflecting your energy and intentions. Let's discover the insights you're seeking together.

 Your investment: $120


Think of it as a detox for your soul, aligning your energy and washing away the cosmic clutter. It’s the perfect follow-up to your psychic exploration, ensuring you're not just enlightened, but also energetically uplifted. I will call upon my deep intuition and connection to the Divine to recognise energetic blocks which are often deeply rooted within the body and subconscious mind

During these activations, I will use modalities such as my own Star Codes, Meliae Energy Healing and Pellowah. You just need to show up as you are, with an open heart and an open mind. Source Energy will guide us where we need to go.

Pure and transformative these sessions will change your life for the better. You will be completely supported and fully embraced and leave refreshed, armed with strategies to move forward on your path in a powerful way.

 Your investment: $350


  • Receiving a reading from Elle is a gentle, nourishing and compassionate experience - which is not to say she is not prepared to issue a gentle challenge if needs be. She is a wonderful guide and I have grown so much from working with her.

    Erin Marie

  • Elle has a unique ability to create a welcoming environment while building a connection quickly. She has a sharp attention to detail and is very in tune with the universe. She will always make sure that you leave knowing more than before.


  • My reading with Elle was incredible. Comprehensive, emotional, wonderful. BEAUTIFUL. She was spot on about so much that has unfolded since our reading. Elle is a beautiful spirit with a gorgeous heart. You will always be safe with her!


  • Over the years I have returned to Elle and her magic many times. She is so powerful and such an amazing individual and every time I see her... I always smile. Elle brightens up my day just through her magnificent presence. A soul full of life and love... I'm always going back for more!
