it might not be Hogwarts, but Star School is here to take your cosmic experience to the next level. Through co-creation with the universe, clarity of life vision and cosmic connection on a level you’ve never experienced before.

Are you ready to accelerate your magic?

Star School will transform your life. It will support you on the deepest level. It will hold you. It will push you. This is not your average spiritual connection program. This is for the human who is ready to accelerate their life, strengthen their connection and create a new possibility.

Take Action

Enhance your Abilities

Claim your Magic

Take Action Enhance your Abilities Claim your Magic

If I tap into your energy, I would say you’ve come to visit this page because you know there is something more in the universe for you. Would I be right? 

I usually am. I’m psychic. 

Star School was created to guide you through a step-by-step curriculum that shows you that your life will transform when you learn to tap into the power of the universe through intuitive psychic work and Deity connection.  

Ascended Mistress, Mary Magdalene, a Deity I work with, wants you to know that no matter your beliefs, you can always call on her for guidance. 

My cosmic guide Archangel Metatron wants you to know that you can manipulate time, just like he can, when you stop believing in the human constructs that have been placed upon you.

I know this because these two Deities have been part of my Source Team for the last 15 years. 

In Star School, I guide you to see, speak and engage like you would a friend across from you in a cafe with your Source team. This means intuitively knowing who each Deity is, what their spiritual focus is, and how to work with their unlimited power.

But how you ask? By connecting to your intuition like you never have before and staying connected. 

Star School - Transform Your Reality with Intuitive Mastery.

Over the eight weeks of Star School, we’ll work through your connection to your intuition, strengthen your abilities to hear, see and feel this connection to co-create with the universe and take it to a place that feels powerful, grounded and easy for you to use in your everyday life. This work includes connection to particular mystical Deities, and cosmic energies, granting you connection to your Starseed mission. 

Plus, it wouldn’t be Star School without energetic activations, psychic channeling, emotional intelligence, and mindset mastery. Star School creates awareness through co-creation with the universe, personal power and clarity on what’s stopping you from living a life of freedom. 

This program is for you if:

  • Babes who want to deepen your connection with their Spirit team. 

  • Babes who are ready to shut down the inner critic in life and business 

  • Babes who are ready to step more deeply into self-leadership and the leaps it takes to leave a legacy 

  • Babes who are ready to consolidate your brilliant ideas into a course that will sell out again and again 

  • For babes who already have a business, but feel like you’re spinning your wheels marketing feels icky 

  • You want to meet more likeminded babes and feel supported as you become a badass spiritual boss babe 

  • Babes who are psychic, but you’re not making any money in your business. because someone told you, you ‘shouldn’t charge for your work’

  • Babes who are ready to enhance their businesses through growing their intuitive abilities; including channelling the Goddess, gathering a dedicated Spirit Team and connecting to their Starseed communities

This program isn’t for you if: 

  • Humans who will take the course for a ride and not take any action along the way 

  • Humans who are unwilling to get a little uncomfortable in their intuitive and psychic channeling development 

  • Newbie Witchy Babes who are learning how to read cards and tap into their intuitive powers for the first time - you need to have basic intuitive psychic abilities down. 

  • You believe you don’t have time to sit with Source / your Spirit team for at least 30mins a day for 4 months 

  • You’re not ready to absolutely blow your mind with how powerful ritual and actual spells and magic are 

  • You believe you’ve got all the answers and wanna stay the same

Star Schools is eight weeks of online. and in-person learning experiences for students to connect more deeply with their Spirit team, learning the magic of co-creating with the universe and moving to clarity in self-leadership, and self-determination but also the skills it takes to powerfully hold space for the emotions of others (such as clients and humans in your life/workplace), psychic enhancement, and channeling abilities. 

I know what it means to be given the visions of what’s possible in your life. 


Check out the modules we will work through

Make it stand out.

Star School is the place that permits you to be all that you are. You will never be judged for being yourself, you will be celebrated for the bravery it takes to step into your truth in a world that tells you to be like everyone else. 

I know what it means to be given the visions of what’s possible in your life. I believe if the dream is in us, it’s for us. The techniques you will learn in your time in Star School will elevate your ability to see the wood through the trees and know your next steps are in the right direction. I can’t wait to do this with you.

The Important Details

We will connect virtually twice a week (come to one or both calls) for activations, energy resets and Q&A on the content. All calls will be recorded.

The content drops on the first Monday of each fortnight to be worked through at your own pace. We’ll have our in-person meet-up in Brunswick, Melbourne, date TBC.

We start this adventure together on the 30th September with our opening ceremony to connect, set intention and ground into the magic of Star School.


Your Investment

$200 a month



  • Energetic Rebalance Activation Meditation ($22)

  • Individually made Spell Jar by Elle for Clarity and Connection ($49.95)

  • 1:1 Psychic Activation + Reading Session (valued at $500)

Your Investment

$600 pay-in-full


  • Energetic Rebalance Activation Meditation ($22)

  • Individually made Spell Jar by Elle for Clarity and Connection ($49.95)

  • 1:1 Psychic Activation + Reading Session (valued at $500)

Current pre-sale price available until 14 June 2024

Jump in-person for our one-day event on November 29.

for the biz witches who want more

Star School Mastery, the business tier of Star School runs concurrently with all of the curriculum from the four-month group program, but on top of all that juicy content includes Rich Witch Activations for business, course creation and marketing development for your business. 

We will adventure into…

  • Lets learn the art of building your ultimate offer. Walk through the exact process I use to harness the magic and power of the universe to create my offerings - the ones that my dream client wants again and again and keeps them coming back for more.

  • Dive head first into how to truly market your your business with your heart and soul. Learn what it means to create a sustainable business story and personal brand, all the way to launching with love.

  • Activate your well of wealth and work through all the the human-y things you need to make sure you are doing if you want to build the foundation for your biggest most abundant wealth making yet.

It’s like a spiritual blitz for your business. Clear out, expand and create.

We work on all the business bits and pieces that are holding you back from elevating to your next big phase.

What will transform you when you connect more deeply to your intuitive, psychic and channelling abilities?

  • You will gain a deeper understanding of self and deepen your communication to the magic of the universe

  • Your relationships will gain new perspectives, better communication and opportunities like this can deepen the understanding you have with your spouse due to better communication and a better sense of self,

  • Your community will change, you’ll experience more positive connections with people, a chance to feel seen and heard and understood by likeminded babes 

  • Your business will transform when you learn to trust your intuition and how it can help you to gain a better perspective on what your purpose is and how you can take your to the place you desire , 

  • Your finances can transform as your intuition expands and shares with you that money is just another energy that can be held and enjoyed. There is no limit what you can call in when you connect to the power of the universe, 

  • Your intuition will guide you to places that will enhance your life experiences such as where you live, and your career decisions, 

  • Your confidence will skyrocket as you see yourself as the universe sees you, an infinite being with possibilities that are boundless and ever-evolving, 

  • Your boundaries will strengthen as we work through the areas of your life where you are unheard, unseen and misunderstood, as you intensify your connection to your intuition you realise where you have been stopping yourself from living your dream life of freedom.

  • Star School is the place that permits you to be all that you are. You will never be judged for being yourself, you will be celebrated for the bravery it takes to step into your truth in a world that tells you to be like everyone else.

Your Investment
